Ms. Donna Chapman – Chairman
Mr. Mark Yockey – President
Mr. Rick Friedberg – Vice Chairman
Mr. Jean-Claude Gruffat – Vice Chairman
Mr. Frank Ginsberg – Vice President and Treasurer
Ms. Elizabeth Matthews, Secretary
Ms. Sharon H. Jacquet
Ms. Violaine Bernbach
Ms. Camilla Blaffer
Mr. Alex Bongrain
Princess Firyal al-Muhammad
Charles Hamker
Ms. Suzanne Hoyt
Ms. Katherine T. McCormick
Mr. Robert K. Meahl
Lavinia P. Middleton, M.D.
Ms. Gail Lavielle
Mr. Jeffrey Rosen
Ms. Sophie Schÿler-Thierry
Ms. Susan Sheinberg
Ms. Beatrice Stern
Ms. Elizabeth Stribling
Ms. Claude Wasserstein
Ms. Meredith Woo
Mr. Mark L. Yockey
Ms. Ellen M. Charles
Mr. Barry S. Friedberg
Ms. Gretchen C. Leach
*Hon. Howard H. Leach
Ms. Charlotte Moss
*Hon. Craig R. Stapleton
Ms. Dorothy Walker Stapleton
Ms. Lynn Wyatt
Ms. Meg Hammer
* Former Ambassador of the United States of America to France